Day 15: Lens Library

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as , pastebin, or github (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


🔒 Thread is locked until there’s at least 100 2 star entries on the global leaderboard

Edit: 🔓 Unlocked

  • purplemonkeymad
    1 year ago

    This felt … too simple. I think the hardest part of part two for me was reading comprehension. My errors were typically me not reading exactly was there.

    import re
    import math
    import argparse
    import itertools
    def int_hash(string:str) -> int:
        hash = 0
        for c in [*string]:
            hash += ord(c)
            hash *= 17
            hash = hash % 256
        return hash
    class Instruction:
        def __init__(self,string:str) -> None:
            label,action,strength = re.split('([-=])',string)
            self.label = label
            self.action = action
            if not strength:
                strength = 0
            self.strength = int(strength)
        def __repr__(self) -> str:
            return f"Instruction(l={self.label}, a={self.action}, s={self.strength})"
        def __str__(self) -> str:
            stren = str(self.strength if self.strength > 0 else '')
            return f"{self.label}{self.action}{stren}"
    class Lens:
        def __init__(self,label:str,focal_length:int) -> None:
            self.label:str = label
            self.focal_length:int = focal_length
        def __repr__(self) -> str:
            return f"Lens(label:{self.label},focal_length:{self.focal_length})"
        def __str__(self) -> str:
            return f"[{self.label} {self.focal_length}]"
    def main(line_list:str,part:int):
        init_sequence = line_list.splitlines(keepends=False)[0].split(',')
        sum = 0
        focal_array = dict[int,list[Lens]]()
        for i in range(0,256):
            focal_array[i] = list[Lens]()
        for s in init_sequence:
            hash_value = int_hash(s)
            sum += hash_value
            # part 2 stuff
            action = Instruction(s)
            position = int_hash(action.label)
            current_list = focal_array[position]
            existing_lens = list(filter(lambda x:x.label == action.label,current_list))
            if len(existing_lens) > 1:
                raise Exception("multiple of same lens in box, what do?")
            match action.action:
                case '-':
                    if len(existing_lens) == 1:
                case '=':
                    if len(existing_lens) == 0:
                    if len(existing_lens) == 1:
                        existing_lens[0].focal_length = action.strength
                case _:
                    raise Exception("unknown action")
        print(f"Part1: {sum}")
        sum2 = 0
        for i,focal_box in focal_array.items():
            for l,lens in enumerate(focal_box):
                sum2 += ( (i+1) * (l+1) * lens.focal_length )
        print(f"Part2: {sum2}")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="template for aoc solver")
        args = parser.parse_args()
        filename = args.input
        if filename == None:
        part = args.part
        file = open(filename,'r')