• Wolfie
    336 minutes ago

    While I don’t like the main Jira software, the Jira Service Management part is actually kind of decent for my needs. It basically allows me to create a help desk for my small business, where they can report issues and I can view them in the Jira app. It’s somewhat limited on the free tier, only allowing 3 agents, but it works plenty fine for my use case.

    As for the actual Jira software, I wouldn’t use it, since my workflow needs don’t require it.

  • @[email protected]
    52 hours ago

    Just do a lightweigt process in a few docs and Excel, and meet in person often enough that you know what folks are doing. That’s SOOOO much better and more natural for getting real work done. Great ideas die in JIRA among endless planning meetings and premature decomposition and estimates.

  • @[email protected]
    52 hours ago

    JIRA is fine as long as you forego using fucking align. Goddamn fucking align is a the biggest waste of upsell that they catch product managers in ever.

  • @[email protected]
    354 hours ago

    For those complaining about Jira… I used to be one of you. After changing jobs and using several alternatives, I am begging to be back on Jira. Manage Engine is currently the bane of my existence.

    • @[email protected]
      183 hours ago

      That might very well be the case, however, why are all of these apps so incredibly bad?

      Jira especially seems like the definition of feature creep. It’s more bloated than a lactose intolerant child after a tub of ice cream.

      • @JaxNakamura
        103 hours ago

        Because having more ticked boxes than the competition sells. Doesn’t matter if it’s of any relevance.

    • @expr
      83 hours ago

      I also wonder if people complaining about Jira are still on Jira Server. Jira Cloud is a much nicer experience. Certainly not perfect, but I’ve yet to see an actual viable alternative (once worked someplace that tried to move all project management to Gitlab… 🤮).

      • @arendjrOP
        33 hours ago

        I find Linear to be reasonably pleasant.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        Haha a PM at my job just tried to move everything to gitlab thankfully someone in charge realized how stupid an idea that was…

      • @[email protected]
        151 minutes ago

        That seriously has to be the worst product I have ever used. I don’t understand how it’s still around.

        • @[email protected]
          32 hours ago

          Oh God. Those are the 2 worst ones. They are mainly used for IT tickets, not for developing software. Jira isn’t the worst, but it does lack basic features. It’s just when companies use Jira you just know you are going to have to deal with a bunch of PMs who all they care about is velocity.

          There are so many other simplified alternatives these days. Basecamp is one.

        • @[email protected]
          23 hours ago

          You are lucky. I’ve never used those but I can tell you that PT is a huge piece of shit. The UI is among the worst ever. My go-to example for why I hate it is that you can literally be working on a ticket, reading it or writing in it, and if another coworker does something to it that causes it to move positions in the board or list, the fucking thing will literally disappear from your screen in front of your eyes. It feels like the designers have never used software before.

  • Bappity
    5 hours ago

    yeah sure, happy teams start with jira but they end up as angry and sad teams

    • FuglyDuck
      74 hours ago

      “I’m not your friend. By the way, if you don’t use Jira you’re fired.” -Middle Managment

      “I hate Jira too. you’re fired”- Senior management.

      • @[email protected]
        53 hours ago

        Seriously though - JIRA isn’t always a massive pain in the ass. It’s just the way it’s used that sucks. Workflow restrictions so devs can’t move tickets from testing back to in progress, dozens of mandatory fields, etc.

        When your tools start dictating your workflow rather than the other way around then it’s time to switch tools.

      • @[email protected]
        15 minutes ago

        That’s actually reassuring to hear. Aside from Chilli, it’s the only program I’ve ever used (12 years going). I’ve got teamates pushing for changes but jira comes at a high cost. Redmine may look old and I hate that it’s written on ruby, but it’s free and with some plugins it’s been able to suite our needs well.

      • Flamekebab
        132 minutes ago

        I use both Redmine and Jira at work. I don’t know if we’re using an older version but Redmine feels like something from 2001. Even the API for it is unpleasant.

    • FuglyDuck
      24 hours ago

      why would you curse the waste disposal people at the landfill?