Day 17: Chronospatial Computer

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


    3 months ago


    Part 2 was tricky, I tried executing the algorithm backwards, which worked fine for the example but not with the input program, because it uses one-way functions .-. Then I tried to write an algorithm that would try all valid combinations of powers of 8 and but I failed, I then did it by hand.

    Solution Codeblock
    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Bits
    import qualified Data.Char as Char
    import qualified Data.List as List
    replace c r c' = if c' == c then r else c'
    parse :: String -> ([Integer], [Int])
    parse = map (replace ',' ' ')
            >>> filter ((Char.isDigit &&& Char.isSpace) >>> uncurry (||))
            >>> words
            >>> splitAt 3
            >>> (map read *** map read)
    type InstructionPointer = Int
    adv = 0
    bxl = 1
    bst = 2
    jnz = 3
    bxc = 4
    out = 5
    bdv = 6
    cdv = 7
    lookupCombo _    0 = 0
    lookupCombo _    1 = 1
    lookupCombo _    2 = 2
    lookupCombo _    3 = 3
    lookupCombo regs 4 = regs !! 0
    lookupCombo regs 5 = regs !! 1
    lookupCombo regs 6 = regs !! 2
    lookupCombo regs 7 = error "Invalid operand"
    execute :: InstructionPointer -> [Integer] -> [Int] -> [Int]
    execute ip regs@(regA:regB:regC:[]) ops
            | ip >= length ops = []
            | instruction == adv = execute (ip + 2) [regA `div` (2 ^ comboValue), regB, regC] ops
            | instruction == bxl = execute (ip + 2) [regA, xor regB (toInteger operand), regC] ops
            | instruction == bst = execute (ip + 2) [regA, comboValue `mod` 8, regC] ops
            | instruction == jnz && regA == 0 = execute (ip + 2) regs ops
            | instruction == jnz && regA /= 0 = execute operand regs ops
            | instruction == bxc = execute (ip + 2) [regA, xor regB regC, regC] ops
            | instruction == out = (fromIntegral comboValue) `mod` 8 : execute (ip + 2) regs ops
            | instruction == bdv = execute (ip + 2) [regA, regA `div` (2 ^ comboValue), regC] ops
            | instruction == cdv = execute (ip + 2) [regA, regB, regA `div` (2 ^ comboValue)] ops
                    (instruction, operand) = (ops !! ip, ops !! (succ ip))
                    comboValue             = lookupCombo regs operand
    part1 = uncurry (execute 0)
            >>> show
            >>> List.intercalate ","
    valid i t n = ((n `div` (8^i)) `mod` 8) `xor` 7 `xor` (n `div` (4*(8^i))) == t
    part2 = const 247839653009594
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . parse