Less than a month until advent of code begins https://adventofcode.com/

Ill be attempting to make this community active leading up to it and during it

  • @Hammerheart
    510 months ago

    Im excited to participate for the first time! I started learning Python in February.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      I really like advent of code because it starts out real easy and then you’ll eventually hit a wall where you have zero idea how to solve the problem. Thankfully, you can see how other people do it and learn a lot! Even if you did solve it on your own, other people sometimes post incredibly elegant solutions you can still learn from.

      • @thisisnotgoingwell
        110 months ago

        Do you mind giving a bit more info? I skimmed the about page and I understand the gist, but how do you see how others solved the problem? Do you have to wait for that puzzle to be done and then look at the leaderboard? Do some people solve these in group settings?

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          If you google the title of the puzzle you should be able to find people posting solutions, or even just "advent of code {year} {day}. There’s a subreddit for advent of code that has a lot and I’ve also found some people on youtube who post video explanations. The leaderboards are just to remind you that 100 people solved the problem you worked 2 days on in under 15 minutes.

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    As a warm up exercise, I’ve been doing some of the challenges that I didn’t get last year.

  • @Andy
    210 months ago

    Ah, but will a Lemmy UI have proper code block support by then?

    • AtegonOPMA
      410 months ago

      I added code block support to lemmy-ui so if 0.19 comes out before then yes

      If not then no but I can try to figure out a solution

      • @Andy
        210 months ago

        Thank you!